These are unusual, dare I say unprecedented times.
People are losing jobs and being laid off or ‘furloughed’. The latter is an American word and the best definition I’ve found is:
1: to grant a leave of absence or furlough to (someone)a soldier being furloughed, a furloughed prisoner
2: to put (a worker) on furlough: to lay off (a worker) for usually a brief or temporary period
Apparently, the earliest use of the word as in case 2 was 1781 !
At least in the 2020 use of the word government are proposing in the UK to pay furloughed workers 80% of their basic pay. The employer needs to pay it then claim it back from HMRC. But not everyone is that fortunate and the self-employed have a more difficult route to follow although they are intended to be supported.
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These are the relevant links. Check out what you can obtain and where you need to go to seek further advice.
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