Ever wondered what 'period' your home belongs to? Or if the selling agent got the date right!
Here's the (not exhaustive) guide:
Here's the (not exhaustive) guide:
How to age a home
- Tudor (1485 - 1603): half-timbering, steep roof, tall and narrow windows, large chimneys
- Jacobean (1603 - 1660): flat roof, columns and pilasters, decadent detail
- Georgian (1714 - 1837): two chimneys, matching housefronts, large sash windows, brick walls, contrasting window frames, porticos
- Victorian (1837 - 1901): slate roof, three stories, bay windows, ornate finish, Gothic and Renaissance revival, ordered room layout
- Edwardian (1901 - 1919): red brick, gables, semi-detached, mansion blocks, functional design, less decoration
- 1920s and 1930s: functional, smaller, mock-Tudor and Georgian revival, plain doorways and lintels, Art Deco, geometric
- 1940s: angular and shiny surfaces, wooden panelling, tiled fireplaces
- 1950s: open plan design, streamlining, picture windows, minamalist, high-rise, prefabs
- 1960s: Large, tall windows touching floor level. Low pitch roofs. Timber cladding. The first 'estate' houses.