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From: "Telegraph Business Club" <>
Date: 12 April 2010 17:01:04 GMT+01:00
To: <David>
Subject: Help us tell politicians what business really wants
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click here.Help us tell politicians what business really wants
Dear Mr Clark
Are you excited about the Election? I thought not...
It's difficult to feel really passionate or inspired about any of the main parties as they continue to politic. So it's even more important to make your choice on the basis of cold, hard logic and vote for the one with the best policies.
That's great in theory. But do you really know what each of the main parties is promising for business? Are you 100% sure which party offers the best policies for your business and the UK economy?
The Telegraph Business Club is supporting a partnership project run by Telegraph Media Group and eBay called 'Election 2010: the Battle for Business'. One of the tactics is to ask business leaders like you to 'blind taste' the policies of the three main parties to establish:
a) which party has the policies that are most popular with the business community.
b) what issues the three main parties need to focus on in this general election campaign.
The research results will be revealed in both the Daily and Sunday Telegraph in print and online, and the survey deadline has been extended to midnight on Tuesday 13th April.
Please help us tell the politicians what business wants. Take part in the survey today here.
And in case you needed any extra persuasion, we are offering all participants the chance to win a cash prize as a reward for taking part. The top prize is £250, with five further prizes of £50 for the runners-up. Best of luck!
Thank you in advance for taking part in this unique and valuable research - you may be surprised by what you discover!
Kind regards,
David Sumner Smith
Programme Director
The Telegraph Business Club![]()