This development in Lynn Road, Ely (central area 0.6 mile) is rapidly starting to take on a very stylish and inviting appearance. We have a show home available for viewing at weekends and also by appointment at any other time. Eight of the 17 homes are now sold or under offer and we can show you almost completed properties too. Prices start from £237,950 to £289,950 with incentives and discounts also available. Visit for further information on availability and call us on Ely (01353) 665020 to arrange your viewing.
So the house builders and the lenders have had a meeting to discuss how they can create 95% mortgages. Basically a good thing, as you would imagine most estate agents would say. But what proportion of the housing Market is represented by new homes sales to first time buyers? Also any first time buyer who purchases a new home is then a cost to the second hand Market of who knows how many sales! If I think back 30 years my wife and I as first time buyers were providing a deposit of 10%. To do this we sold her car, saved up by not going out as much and generally committed ourselves to the task of buying our first home together. Ah, you might say, but house prices were so much cheaper then. True but my salary was just under £2,000 per annum with the prospect of perhaps another £1,000 in commission from selling at lease 6 houses per month personally. The first 4 didn't count towards commission but were to cover my costs to my employer! I personally don't think 95% mortgages are ...