Over the last 14 days my office on Market Place has been going through a transformation and building works will continue for a little while yet.
About 5 years ago, when the market was starting to get warmed up and lots of money was sloshing about the banking system looking for a home, we decided to take on more staff and expand the premises into what was the launderette at No.22.
Well ,all good things come to an end and I have now reversed that expansion. This has been in response to a number of factors but in the main due to the severe downturn in the market , my landlord conducting a rent review (this means putting it up thousands of pounds) and also down to the place where estate agent meets buyers/sellers is increasingly 'on the web' these days, rather than face to face in an office situation.
There is a new tenant in No.22 from about the end of August and I won't steal their thunder by announcing who they are just yet! Pass by and they are actually trading now.
I've taken this opportunity to improve the office flooring, re-new the facia and the window displays have needed to be changed to take account of less window space. The work has meant some disruption to the smooth running of the office and over the Bank Holiday weekend I had to remove the desks, window displays and computers while theworkmen screeded the floor and laid the new covering.
I'd just like to say that I am now very much "OPEN FOR BUSINESS!"
I'll post some pictures soon to show the new look.