I just had to display this for everyone to see! Yvonne has been very stressed during this transaction so conveyancing solicitors will need to bear with her... Sent: 16 June 2011 18:15 To: Barbara Harding Subject: re our exchange Thank you to you and David for the little extra support you gave me latterly in the process it was much appreciated. We were afflicted with just about very problem you can get in a conveyance..except someone dropping down dead ! I dont know that everybody knows everything which gummed up the works along the way but certainly I now have a very clear idea of what is good and bad in legal and estate business. YOU and Barbara Brooker were great and even a Hertford estate agent I met on the way called Senel Ibrahim (of Lanes) rang me up at intervals to ask how we were getting on..we were hoping to buy in Hertford initially but the properties went up too much in price. In theory every property should have its own one to one man...
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