This was the title of an article in The Independent on 24th February 2010. Read it here : My response is below! House Prices Face Double Dip If 2009 saw a ‘boomlet’ then it passed me by and probably the rest of East Cambridgeshire too. I would accept that house prices in and around Ely stabilized and generally stopped falling - most likely because of supply not matching demand. This was also a feature of the late 80’s and early 90’s when if people could avoid selling at prices they didn’t like then they did just that! To get a true impression then we need to stop looking at the UK residential property market as just one countrywide market. It is a series of micro-markets all reacting differently to the overarching conditions of recession, (un)employment, mortgage availability, type of property available and the likely buyers. After all, the likely ‘punter’ for a riverside apartment overlooking the Thames in central London won’t be the same as th...
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