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Showing posts from October, 2009

Stairway to...

My former premises at 22 Market Place Ely were being worked on again today with the arrival before 8:00am of two guys from Crescent Staircases. When the shop unit was a Launderette the spiral staircase was removed, as the first floor was just one large water tank. When we took over and joined the premises together there was an obligation on the launderette to replace it. We didn’t need two staircases so agreed to take over the responsibility. They look pretty good even in a dark grey primer finish!

Canvassing For Business

I can remember back in 1990/91 when I was with the forerunner of this firm (my god that's nearly 20 years ago!) that we were in the middle of a property market down turn that I personally believe was far worse than the current one. Osbornes Property Services as we were then called was suffering from a serious lack of income that also had a root in a serious lack of good saleable property to sell. We were new, very professional, very keen, very hardworking and very keen to please but no one had heard of us. Our marketing budget was limited - we were skint to be truthful! What did we do? Well we set about making people aware of us by 'canvassing'. I wrote letters to other agents vendors, I dropped leaflets, we advertised as imaginatively as possible saying that even in that market we needed property for sale. Did it work? Yes to a degree and we certainly wound up some of the more established local estate agents who were not keen to lose instructions to newcomers like us. 20 y...


  Paula at TheLittleSIGNCo has completed sign witing the back window of our little Toyota Yaris pool car. Great job and not too expensive! If you need anything sign-wise give her a call on Ely 861740