I've been pleasantly surprised by the number of people who have said to me "...oh, yes, I read that on your blog"! There was me thinking that I was writing without an audience. One of the questions I get asked most often is how I lost the weight and subsequently lost the title of 'Ely's Chubbiest Estate Agent'. It is all down to the Cambridge Diet which you can find out about here http://www.cambridge-diet.com/newccinfo/19809.html Bev, the local councellor for Cambridge Diet, is a lady with a very positive and sunny personality who helped me get there. Anyway, enough about diets. The media is full to bursting with stuff about 'belt tightening', 'recession', 'price crashes', 'profits warnings' and 'redundancies'. This is not a market place for the faint hearted. The one area of the industry that is experiencing superb levels of growth is residential lettings as is our newly established lettings and management department. ...
News, opinion and information on the local & national property market and David Clark & Company. We write about selling, buying, marketing, mortgaging and all matters property related - and some not!